Another one down for Second life.


I have been working on a new plane script. It is based on a old script that once worked very well. I just could not understand why it constantly broke down over and over again. Flying in a sim is great but crossing over randomly got you to falling down under earth. I suppose in virtual hell.

I started to experiment and as I have built a lot of systems in my day I think I know why. The servers shut down when no one is around and start up again when someone gets close or want to get in to the sim. I have not read anything about this but I am sure this is what happens. Anybody know?

I suppose it is good for the planet and Linden lab, less energy consumption. But for me who like to create trucks, planes and boats it is over. The start times for the servers are way to slow for vehicles.

I have to fly around on my own grid or I found some new friends on Microsoft flight. an new game/simulator for people who want to do flight stuff together.

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