Moon shadow at new Nilsart village


The new Nilsart village coming along nicely. And this picture complete with moon shadow and a noob who did not have a clue on how to get around in Second life. And of course i gave him a few hints.

I could use SL as screen saver when you have shadows on. As the sun and moon moves over the sky the shadows follow. No i am just waiting for the first stop motion Machinima, you know when you see a day in like 5 minutes and and clouds and shadows moves very fast.

ohh what will be next.

Having fun with Second life photography.


The photo opportunities in Second life are really endless. And the best thing is that i did not have to go anywhere, no darkroom ( i remember those bad days). And a nicely dressed model ready for the shoot. In the old days i used to have to shoot several rolls of film to get a pic like this. In SL i just had to take two shots. Its so great,

Standing in the shadow

Standing in the shadow
Originally uploaded by nikki_webmistress

You cant´t see it here but i am actually standing in the shadow of the trees. Finally there are shadows in Second life. With some tweaking of the new viewer and a really good graphics card it´s there. Frame rate is terrible but i love it anyway. From cyberserenity Vella via

The new Nils art gallery.


Yes finally  I have the new Nilsart gallery up and running. There have been some downsizing in Second life and my old gallery’s was cancelled when islands disappeared. But now I am close too Linden Village on the mainland so maybe this one is here to stay.
I have a small summer exhibition with some of my interactive sculptures and some other stuff. It’s nice to be back with art in SL again. And of course a SLURL to the new place.
