Stress test and Second life works like a dream.


And suddenly it happens. I logged in to test SL and expected to break it in about 2 minutes but to my surprise everything worked really fine. Not much lag and the thing did not log me out whatever I did.

I went totally crazy and nothing happened Second life moved along nicely.

Now I do not know what to think. I have to check out the network during the weekend. Things like this really make crazy.

Not a world to explore anymore. Second life gets logged out.


This is what it looks like when I try to do my fav thing in Second life. The road ends and after a few seconds I get logged out. It have happened to me now more than I can remember. You cant even walk around anymore.


This is what the mainland looks like today.

I suppose what you can do today is stand around or maybe run a dance animation. There are better chat programs.

Another one down for Second life.


I have been working on a new plane script. It is based on a old script that once worked very well. I just could not understand why it constantly broke down over and over again. Flying in a sim is great but crossing over randomly got you to falling down under earth. I suppose in virtual hell.

I started to experiment and as I have built a lot of systems in my day I think I know why. The servers shut down when no one is around and start up again when someone gets close or want to get in to the sim. I have not read anything about this but I am sure this is what happens. Anybody know?

I suppose it is good for the planet and Linden lab, less energy consumption. But for me who like to create trucks, planes and boats it is over. The start times for the servers are way to slow for vehicles.

I have to fly around on my own grid or I found some new friends on Microsoft flight. an new game/simulator for people who want to do flight stuff together.

Second life as the last free artist space.

As I explore the Second life art scene. I find that many of the SL artists do not use their real life names. As I pro artist myself I always have to market myself. You have to if you want to stay alive. It is the name of the game. I even have a avatar with my real life name on it.


I suppose that all these really good artist in SL do other things in RL and SL is a great way to get a artistic outlet. I am amazed, how good all these artists are. It really makes me as a pro to shape up and try to do even better things. That is really hard.

I have also noticed that the most of these artists have a female avatar. I think that maybe Second life is the place for many female artists to create and more important to show their art.

I know myself how difficult it is to get a exhibition as a woman.

I love that SL is a place where both women and amateurs get a chance to show their creativity. In a real world where this is often frowned up on.

And the work is often of very high quality.