A city,a city,a city


I just wanted to show how you can stack 2 Worlds city the bridges are connecting so you can build a really big city. This is from my developer grid that is up again after a Opensim world of sorrow.

I need to run VNC on the servers as they have no keyboard or screen. OpenSUSE 12.3, 12.2, 11.4, no one worked for a production server so in the end I got a old VISTA and installed it. And  voila. We are up again a new Robust server running. Maybe I should not be so confident about Linux anymore.

But it all ended well. Me happy.

The OAR file for 2worlds city is downloadable here.


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Time for Love


I visited Love a game created by E S K I L     S T E E N B E R G . It is nice to see someone doing a game after their own head. I do not really get the game it somehow reminds me of a old Amiga game. But the look is great even if it not really ads anything to gameplay.

You can go to Love and just wander around and look at all the sights. The game is free and I think everyone that develops graphics or games should spend some time with it. It is different and you need to see it to believe it.


Waiting for a new R.O.B.U.S.T server

I am waiting for the new server. Be here tomorrow i hope. Then i be able to finish many of the Opensim projects i am working on.


The winter island needs some  better pine tress and a bridge.


Lendonia is a forever project. But now i want to put in some animals. Scripting not really working but ok.


And i have started work on a film studio to explore Opensim machinima. Going to be fun.


Just waiting for the server.