Visiting my brother nation Denmark.

Visiting my brother nation Denmark.
Originally uploaded by nikki_webmistress

I decided to go and explore what the other scandinavian countrys do in Second life. And ended up in Denmark. And i found this very Danish church and itś graveyard. I wonder if the lots are rental. But now i know where to put my little AVA when my Second life is over.. From cyberserenity Vella via

Sunset at 2worlds island


The harbor is in its place now and i have made some terrible trees for the area. The Opensim server is running nicely now.(knock on wood.) No restarts and building and all the builds are in its place.


Now i am going to start programming the LSL. I hope i do not crash it now. There are many scripts i have to port from Second life. And i am going to test some new interconnecting Opensim to the web and databases. Experimental and so much fun.