My plan was that they should pry my dead fingers from my last keyboard.

But now I can see this will not happen. Maybe.

CyberinSLI have been to Barcelona for a few day looking at art, meeting friends and eating a lot of Tapas. The pain in my body slowly disappeared and came back when I got home again.

I have been working with computers for over 25 years and as a pro artist for almost 20. It really takes its toll on the body. Hands, arms, shoulders and neck and the worst one. The back.

I want to continue. This is what I do. But I have to find a totally new way of working. I have tried the usual stuff. Breaks, exercise, a desk that you can raise and lower, many different chairs. It just do not help anymore.

I can see 3 ways to do some change. Tech stuff that makes the work easy. But I have already tried that. I even tried the Kinect to work in SL as a 3d tool.

Do other stuff. Go back to photography. But being a pro means hauling endless amount of equipment.

Rearrange the workflow and create other products. Could be something.

My problem nr two is that I am a middle aged woman and I am not really the thing in the industry anymore. Not game, computer or art.

I am taking a break before I hurt my self really bad and have to stop working all together.

Is there a upside. Yes there is. I have always been working on the side as a problem solver and I think that is really my biggest talent. So now I really have to push that.

See you soon.

Stuck in the Forgotten City

Back in SL

I should have worked but a trip to the Forgotten city had me walking around for hours.


It is a great build and I did as I do in RL city’s. Walked around and found new exciting stuff around every corner. The build feels very big because the use of different elevations and everything connects by elevators. I did not want to flyForgotten2 around and waited nice for all elevators. Just the feel of discovering made it so much more worth it.

And I am a Steampunk buff so I loved it so much more there was a model railway to and I was totally hooked.

A airship ride shows of the city nicely from the air.


Me and some of the excellent 3d sculptures. Yes I was dressed for the occasion.

This could have been a setting for a game. There are several games in there somewhere and I think it is possible to do some gaming in SL even on a one island build if it is clever.

The build is done by Jenne Dibou she got a blog at and a store with a lot of very nice designs in the Forgotten city. You just have to go and see it.

The new blog tools


After a trip to the computer store I got a few new blog tools. A keyboard and a pen. I have downloaded a few apps to help me and this is going to be interesting to see if a pad can challenge my notebook. I cant write software on it and a more serious fault. I cant go in to Second life and Opensim to take nice pictures. But I guess I have to work around that for now.

As I write on several websites and blogs I do a lot of work on the go. Less stuff to carry around but is it as good?

The place where the magic happens.


Sometimes I think I should get my head examined. This is where I have spent a lot of my life. Or places like it. This is my workplace. Yes it is magic.

I really want another interface to my computer and maybe a nice chair or sofa. You are probably nuts if you spend your life like this. Ok that is what I am. But now it is TGIF. But tomorrow I am back at my desk again. I want to create magic.

Another visit to cloud party.


My house in Cloud Party is looking ok now. And it works on my windows machines but not on Linux.

I still do not know what to do. I find it difficult to get around. The layout with small islands is good from a programmers perspective but not as a visitor. It is just must simpler to understand the concept of a world with a landmass.

It looks great and goes easy on the graphics card even with everything on.

I think that many avatars goes back to MMO gaming now. It is nice to meet friends and do a quest or just hang out in Ogrimmar,

As I am going deep into Opensim developing right now I really try to find the future for all these virtual worlds. There must be more than sex and role play,

We need things to do.

Linux the way forward for gaming.

Today I was reading about how Microsoft are moving in the same direction as Apple and build a more closed system for Windows 8. I can see how this is the way forward for the big software company´s. More control and more money.

open_suse_logoIt is a great opportunity for Linux to be a new standard for indie game developing. I have been running a cluster of Linux machines now for for more than fifteen years. It is stable and today it works good and Linden lab have showed us that you can make a complicated game software that work on Linux: The Second life viewer works better on my OpenSUSE workstation. (Not last week someone f.. up.)

But there is a but as always.

We need some standards. Library´s and a better way to update the drives for the graphic cards. But that is it. And it would be possible to create a distribution that could work as gaming platform. Steam is on Linux but of course not many games run on Linux. Maybe steam could create a gaming platform or maybe Google. Android for the PC.

I use Windows. I still use Windows XP because I have some great developing tools that only work on the XP. I have a Xbox and a Ipad. I run Vista and 7 to.

They are all great tools for creating games and virtual worlds.

topright But I want a new system. Linux that work with games and make me free to run whatever I want not a big global corporation. I do not believe big company´s are my friend´s they just want my money. Maybe there is someone out there that want to get rich on making the first really good Linux gaming system.

I hope so.

Life forms for Opensim


I think I want to put in some life forms in my Lendonia build. I have been working a lot as a artist with chaos and dynamic software. And maybe it is time to put these things together. I have been thinking for some time now about the possibilities to put some kind of DNA solution for expanding life forms.

Something like the cat and horse breeding in Second life. This is very exciting. I have been doing some hardware work on my server and still have to change another motherboard tomorrow but then it is back to creating again.

Cant wait

Ohh the picture is from Mandelbulber. Great software.

Airport almost ready and Portal to Ghost town up in Lendonia.

I have had some problems converting some old .x files to useful graphics but finally Sunday evening I got some luck. So the airport is almost ready.


Main hall.


From the runway.

It looks really good. You cant rally fly but maybe for some Machinima purpose.

And a new portal and some trees in Lendonia.


Opensim is really nice to build in. I really hope I or somebody else find it useful. Opensim is a nice piece of software.